Thursday, February 10, 2011

2010 International New England Auto Show

BOSTON, Massachusetts- The Boston Convention & Exhibition Center opened its doors to reveal the 54th annual New England International Auto Show.

The five day show started on December 1st and it was truly the biggest auto show in New England. Featured at the show were car dealers’ 2011 model vehicles and new introductions like the much anticipated Chevy Volt, exotics and customized rides.

From Kia to Lexus there was a wide range of terrific well known car manufactures.

Guests of the show could also sign-up to test drive some of the newest cars from Kia and Chevy with a valid drivers license.

The show’s program stated factory and dealer representatives from the car companies where there to answer your questions but most car manufactures had models with flash cards.

Being away from the dealership did allow attendees to look at the cars in a no pressure environment. People were urged to sit in the cars, pop the hoods, give the tires a good kick and just check out all the neat features.

The show producer Barbara Pudney told the Boston Herald “(It’s) the perfect place to get a feel for all of this year’s new cars.”       

Car dealers weren’t the only ones there, After FX Customs also made an appearance that attracted all ages to their booth. One of the rides was a very large creation, a custom Ford truck that has over 900 hours of airbrushing. The bed of the truck lifts up to a 90 degree angle and when you lift the lid the viewer is subjected to a 55” pull out LED TV and an array of subwoofers. The younger audience took turns in playing video games on the monstrous TV.

After FX also had on display their one of a kind Dream Wheels. A five spoke chrome rim with black accents and red diamonds lined up down each of the five spokes. A spokesperson could not be reached for comment about car housing the Dream Wheels but one member of the group did say the Dream Wheels start at $10k.

The rest of the show offered almost every car for every different person’s different driving style. There were three electric vehicles at the show that are much anticipated for the 2011 automotive year: the Chevy Volt, the Nissan LEAF, and the Toyota Prius Plug-In.

If electric cars aren’t for you the show had many different trucks to offer its guests like the very popular 2011 GMC Sierra.

“I love how all the different trucks were in the same place under one roof. I was able to jump behind the wheel of one and then move on to the next. It was very truck musical chairs for me.” Baker an attendee at the show comments on the experience. “I  loved how someone could look at the newest cars without that dealership pressure and have such a great time. I could sit in the new Chevy Camaro and then hop into a new Jeep Grand Cherokee.”

Bodwell, from Maine expressed her excitement as well for the auto show. “I love Jeeps and I was so happy to be surrounded by the newest Jeeps and take my time with each one. I didn’t have the hassle of a salesperson like at the dealerships. I could just enjoy being a girl who loves Jeeps.”

Bodwell’s husband attended the show as well and he was happy checking out the Jeeps with his wife while eying the truck selection. “There were so many trucks and being a Maine raised man I was so excited. My only disappointment was there were no manual trucks. I asked some of the representatives if they knew any manual trucks being offered and they didn’t have an answer for me.”

Toward the middle of the exhibit the exotics were a treat to be hold. Ferrari, Lotus, Maserati, Lamborghini, Austin Martin and Rolls Royce were all in attendance. Due to these cars being well over $100K they were sectioned off from the rest of the cars. Guests were not allowed to touch or sit in these expensive beauties.

The International Auto Show was a huge success and it attracted all sorts of people that checked out the latest cars coming out in 2011. Perfect for anyone looking to buy a new car or just check out what’s new in the automotive industry. 

Copyright Alysha Steltzer

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