Sunday, February 14, 2010

Eyes of a Vegetarian

Seth Toothaker is twenty-four years old originally from Brunswick, Maine and is currently living in Orono, Maine attending college. Toothaker enjoys life to the fullest and is very passionate about his surroundings. His friends describe him as a great listener and a great friend. He has an open mind and loves listening to others opinions even if they don’t agree with his own. 

He feels very strongly on how animals are treated by humanity which is when he made the choice to become a vegetarian. Toothaker hasn’t eaten meat in a few years and he couldn’t be happier. He also is slowly eliminating dairy products from his food group by drinking soy milk.

Graduated from Brunswick High School in 2004, Toothaker is now a fourth year student at the University of Maine double majoring in food science and human nutrition; and philosophy. Toothaker is very passionate about both of his majors. He states that he was “awakened to the world of philosophy, and I really enjoy studying it”. When he was “awakened” to philosophy is when he made the choice to become a vegetarian. Toothaker said he became a vegetarian because of the cruelty to animals society puts them through and he had a crush on his first philosophy teacher at UMaine.

Toothaker is an employee of the University of Maine as an organic chemistry tutor. Chemistry isn’t even his major but Toothaker did well in his classes and was asked by his professor to tutor the spring ’10 semester. He loves helping others learn a hard subject and do well in their classes. The only down side to tutoring Toothaker jokes is that he had to sign a contract with the school restricting him from dating any female he tutors.

Basketball is Toothaker’s favorite activity to watch and play. His next favorite hobby is working out where you can find him every day after class lifting weights and in the pool at the schools’ rec center. Toothaker reads philosophy books to help learn everything he can about the subject. One of his favorites is The Philosophy of Civilization by Albert Schweitzer.

At the end of the day Toothaker likes to sit in his room surfing the internet, watching TV and drinking a cold beer. One of his favorite quotes is from Kung Fu Panda “one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it”. 

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